Thursday, May 3, 2012

Suddenly I'm Craving Shrimp


I never used to crave shrimp (nor did I ever crave anything that costs $34.99/pound or has the texture of rubber chickens), but now, after a head-on auto collision that resulted in head trauma, my brain says, "Whoa, shrimp is a-maaaaaayyy-zing." Suddenly, I like it even more than Bubba-the-Shrimp-Lover-Guy from Forrest Gump.  (Bubba:  "Shrimp is the fruit of the sea... There's pineapple shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich. That- that's about it"). 

No, Bubba, you've never had shrimp 'til you've had it in your oatmeal.  I'm telling you, it's also very good with curry powder.  Or dipped in hummus.

This shrimp fetish is kind of new, but the other day, while I was eating grilled shrimp for about the fourth time in a week, a weird realization occurred to me.  No, the realization was not that Lady Gaga was really Born This Way. While eating my meal, SUDDENLY IT HIT ME that so much of who I “think I am” really is subject to which parts of my brain are partying and which ones are on sick leave. Before my head injury, I used to say things like:  "I am a red person, not really a blue person." "I am not a Lady Gaga listener."   And:  "I am a vegetarian, not a seafood person."

Well, let me tell you that I'm now not only enjoying shrimp these days, I'm also wearing blue clothing more often.  I'm suddenly listening to music recorded after the year 2000. (Prior to the accident, I listened mostly to 70s/80s tunes and was very holier-than-thou about newer music being uninspired).

Personality changes are a really common aftereffect of head injury, which leads me to believe that "I" am not really "Me" and that I need to keep myself open to newer definitions of myself.  Tomorrow, I could no longer be a "shrimp person" and could become a "liver and onions" person.  You could be reading this blog and think, "I love online blogs," and then tomorrow have a giant coconut fall on your head from a cargo plane and never read blogs again. 

My point is that sometimes we think we're Born This Way, only to find out we're so much more.


  1. After my ex was in a coma for spinal meningitis for 10 days, he had similar things happen. He used to hate brownies, now cant get enough. Used to be straight, now he's gay (although he did show signs previously). Used to like heavy metal, now likes Mariah Carey.

    1. Hey there... Thanks for giving me my very first official blogger comment/feedback! I am trying to figure out how to publicize my blog, and I don't think I have that down yet, though apparently people I've never met are already reading it. Thanks again.

  2. Nathan, I'm glad I can still always count on you to hone in on the musical references! I've recently discovered techno mashups of older and newer songs... No pun intended but I'm gaga over some of them! My new favorite is Madonna's 4 Minutes/Vogue mashup (which also can be found on YouTube). :)

  3. Hi Dana,

    Welcome to the blogosphere. Reading your blog post is making me hungry for shrimps.


    1. Thanks, Eugene! I read your blog whenever you post the links on Facebook. It seems like we both like writing about personal growth issues. Keep writing, and I'll do the same.

  4. Ran into your blog today as I've been craving shrimp like a mad lady and am trying to figure it out. I did not know about the connection between food craving and head trauma which is interesting.. this was too:

  5. My husband was diagnosed with brain cancer and was given 1 1/2 to 2 years survival with treatment, <3 months without it. (11/2014) He's survived 1 1/2 yrs so far with no signs of the cancer returning. Last MRI week ago. He's disabled and his communications was terribly affected (brocca area of the brain). He can do easy things like zap stuff in the microwave, good thing cause I gotta work... I like a variety of foods and one day picked up these popcorn shrimp for him to try. He LOVES them and I buy 4 boxes for him every week. It's mostly all he wants to eat! But I don't care as long as he's eating (he went through a period where he wasn't). I found somewhere else online that there's something in the shrimp your brain may actually be wanting to help with the healing... good luck on your journey!

    1. Wow, it's been a long time since someone commented on this blog. Thanks! I am sorry to hear about your husband's cancer. But I'm glad there's something he's willing to eat. Since I've posted this blog, I've gone back to my old vegetarian (actually vegan) habits. But the shrimp thing was so interesting that I just had to write about it. It's fascinating to know that other people whose brains are recovering also crave shrimp. Good luck to you and your husband in the healing journey.

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